Green And Healthy Homes SaltLake

Site green and healthy homes salt lake

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Community pulls together to renovate home for a Utah Veteran

The Community pulls together to renovate home for a Utah Veteran. This entry was posted in Clean Dry Energy Efficient Safe Well Maintained on January 24, 2014 by greenslc.
Home depotGrowing up in a military home, Helen Lange knew that she wanted to serve in the armed forces and did so for nearly a decade. As a result of her service, however, Helen suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a debilitating knee injury that makes it difficult to keep up with her five children, four of whom live with her.
Helen applied to GHHI Salt Lake for assistance and Community Development Corporation of Utah was doing preliminary work with her when they were contacted by Volunteers of America looking for projects working to help veterans. In October, 2013, Home Depot provided $16,000 in materials and volunteer labor from their employees in order to renovate her home and yard. The Community Development Corporation of Utah and the Green & Healthy Homes Salt Lake Initiative supplemented the costs of other expenses.
Inside the home, volunteers insulated the attic, repaired water-damaged walls with new sheet rock and paint and installed new hard-surface como ganhar dinheiro no youtube flooring throughout the house. Outside the home, both the front and backyards got major beautification overhauls.
These updates to the home will not only make the home more livable and accessible, they will increase the efficiency of the home and save the Lange family money each month on their bills. After finishing school, this renovation also puts Helen one step of  home office closer to realizing her dream of opening a email marketing grátis PTSD counseling practice at her home.
This story is a great example of what can happen when there is successful collaboration between agencies, businesses and the community.

Salt Lake County announces the creation of the Lead Safe Salt Lake Program

The Salt Lake County announces the creation of the Lead Safe Salt Lake Program is a program has come to Salt Lake County!

This program provides grants to low and moderate income households who live in homes and apartment units built before 1978 and who have children under the age of six or where children under the age of six visit a home often (60 hours a year) to remediate lead based paint hazards.

If your house or apartment was built before 1978, there is a high likelihood that it contains lead paint.

If the home or apartment was built before 1940 there is about a 90% chance that there is lead based paint in the housing unit.

Lead-based paint can break down because of age, poor maintenance, or household repairs and create environmental home health and safety hazards.

The Risks: Children who are lead poisoned are 7 times more likely to drop out of school and 6 times more likely to become involved in the juvenile justice system the Salt Lake County of the Lead Safe Salt Lake.

Learning disabilities that can affect children who have been lead poisoned include: violent, aggressive behavior, speech delays, Attention Deficit Disorder, hyperactivity, diminished IQ, hearing and memory problems, and reduced motor control and balance.

Lead poisoning’s effects on adults include: 46 percent increased rate of early mortality, 16 to 19 percent increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, depression, reproductive problems, and complications related to osteoporosis.

To be eligible for assistance a household must have a child under the age six living in the housing unit or who visits often (60 hours a year), or a household member is pregnant.

The homeowner household income needs to be at or below 80% of Area Median Income.

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